
2025 Rule Changes
Team Finals: Again, this year the WDRA Summit Team
Finals will be held at Keystone Raceway on Sept 11-14.
The team will consist of 45 racers the top 18 in points
in Top ET, top 14 in points in Mod ET and the top 13 in
points in Junior Dragster. There will not be a B team or
any alternates.
Jr Dragster drivers may only drive one car in the Jr
Dragster class per race. A Jr Racer would still be
eligible to run a car in Top or Mod if legal to do so.
This is to ensure fair competition in this entry level
class. A Jr Racer will still be eligible to run a car in
Top or Mod if legal to do so.
Top & Mod are still permitted to drive two separate
cars in eliminations (either in the same class, or
separate classes, or the same car in two classes) as
long as it meets the rules in each.
Jr Dragsters will not be run at Door Wars or
Superchargers Showdown. With aggressive track prep for
the Pro Mods and Radial cars, it is difficult for the
Jrs to stage.
Jr Dragster license holders may compete through their
18th birthday calendar year.
Whether in Time Trials or Eliminations, the Starter
Official CANNOT touch any Junior Dragster to assist with
staging but will pullback a car that has completely over
staged (deep staging by accident is not over staging)
Saving Pit Spaces: Racers may only save one racer spot
(two 12 spaces) for another racer. The space must be
right beside the racer that is saving the space. No
Wristbands: On all events where wristbands are used,
the wristbands must be on your wrist before entering the
pits. There will be a checkpoint at the intersection
when entering the pits to ensure compliance. Wristbands
cannot be put on an article of clothing. Anyone not
willing to comply will be turned around and not
permitted to enter the pits.
Sunday Tech Cards & Crew: We have noticed at the 2-day
ET events, some racers have not been buying crew passes
for Sunday. They will purchase a Saturday only tech card
on Saturday and buy a 1-day pass for any crew, then stay
overnight and go to the gate on Sunday morning and
purchase a Sunday tech card, but not their crews
passes. This is blatantly STEALING FROM THE TRACK!!!
This practice also causes additional work for the staff
from the gates, tech and tower. To allow this to
continue is not fair to those that purchase 2-day tech
cards and crew passes every weekend.
We now have a system to track 1-day tech card crew
purchases and will know on Sunday how many crew came in
on Saturday. It is unreasonable to purchase a
Saturday-only tech card, spend the night and then go to
the gate to purchase a Sunday tech card. We have a great
system, with policies and procedures in place, if you
break and cant run on Sunday or if weather is an issue.
In the event that weather cancels a race, your racer
ticket that each racer is given at the gate will have
full value at any future MIR event and they never
expire. The ticket only has the value not the tech card.
If you break and cant run on Sunday and are leaving on
Saturday, a full credit for Sunday is given at the
tower. If you are broke but want to stay, a full credit
less a pit pass will be given.
Any racer caught with crew not wearing an appropriate
wristband may be disqualified from that days race on
the first offense. On a second offense, a racer will be
disqualified from the event and lose all points for the
year. If there is a third offense, the racer will be
permanently banned from attending or participating at
any MIR events.
ET Racers: Be sure to review the full 2025 Rules and
Procedures on the website for changes this year. All
changes will be highlighted in yellow.
Points membership into the 1320 Fabrication ET Series
presented by East Coast Collision is still FREE for all
classes! Your purchase of a tech card at any ET points
race includes automatic free enrollment into the points
Motorcycles run with Mod or Top ET. Any bike that
leaves with a button must run Top ET. This will allow
all bikes to compete for higher purses and qualify for
the bracket finals in both classes. Also, all bikes must
run 10.00 and quicker (1/8 mile), no dirt bikes, ATVs
or scooters permitted. Must have street tire or slick
Air and electric shifters are permitted in Mod ET
Ignition limiters and/or any ignition controls used to
excessively slow the car down are prohibited. In other
words, any ignition device that would act like a
throttle stop to excessively slow the ET of a vehicle is
considered an illegal device. If you are unsure whether
or not your set up is legal, please check with a tech
The timeout on the Compulink AUTOSTART system for all
ET classes is 10 seconds (except Jr Dragster, which is
15 seconds). All Pro Tree classes are 7 second timeout,
including N/T Shootouts. N/T testing and grudge racers
are 20 second timeout.
All racers are encouraged to check their points
weekly. There will be no corrections made after 30 days
from the event.
Always be sure to check that the number on your time
slip is correct on EVERY RUN as points are only awarded
to the number on the time slip. If your time slip
reflects a wrong number, bring your slip to race control
or notify a track official so that we can correct the
error and adjust your points.
Track Credit Policy - If a driver breaks prior to
running first round at any event, they can receive a
track credit (no cash refunds) that can be used at any
future MIR event. The credit amount will be the entry
fee paid minus the general admission for the day. For
any Test & Tune tech card at any event, once you have
made a run there will be no credit issued if you break.
All N/T racers must wear a helmet, regardless of ET
We encourage all drivers that race purpose-built race
cars (not street cars) to install an engine diaper on
their car. The WDRA rulebook requires one in all cars
that runs 7.99 or quicker 1/4 or 5.00 or quicker 1/8
mile. We've witnessed countless avoidable accidents from
oil getting on the tires - resulting in long unnecessary
track clean-ups. Installing an engine diaper could save
your car, it could save you from possible injury or
maybe even save your life. It will also save valuable
track time for the enjoyment of fellow racers and fans.
It will help reduce track expenses for cleanup resulting
in earlier event completion.
There are no co-riders permitted at Midnight Madness
or any other events, regardless of ET. Due to racers
allowing co-riders that have not signed the Release &
Waiver and been properly wrist banded.
Attn Midnight Madness racers: Drivers are only allowed
one spot in the Runoff regardless of wins in multiple
classes. Once any driver has won two Grand
Championships, they can no longer compete in the Runoff
and are restricted to racing a fully registered vehicle
if they wish to continue racing in the Midnight Madness
The Midnight Madness Grand Champion Run-Off will start
at 8pm, being round robin from the start, during time
trials of the regular race, and will be completed before
eliminations of the regular Friday night Midnight
Madness race. Racers that are in the Grand Champion
Run-Off will then be able to run eliminations of the
regular race.
We encourage all
drivers that race purpose-built race cars (not street
cars) to install an engine diaper on their car. The WDRA
rulebook requires one in all cars that runs 7.99 or
quicker 1/4 or 5.00 or quicker 1/8 mile. We've witnessed
countless avoidable accidents from oil getting on the
tires - resulting in long unnecessary track clean-ups.
Installing an engine diaper could save your car, it
could save you from possible injury or maybe even save
your life. It will also save valuable track time for the
enjoyment of fellow racers and fans. It will help reduce
track expenses for cleanup resulting in earlier event